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weitere Erfahrungsberichte für Spanien


Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Semester und Studiengang:
4. Semester Bachelor International Management

summersemester 2016

Über die Universität:
The courses at the UAM in terms of difficulty aren't hard, the system of grading however and the constant homeworks and small exams make it very different and to an extent harder than the usual atmosphere in Deggendorf. Exchange students in classes in Spanish are given almost no leeway and it's difficult to reach a compromise with a teacher. The classes in English on the other side have a higher level of difficulty, the teachers are more flexible and open to international students.
Opportunities to meet other students to mix and mingle exist and especially if you join the ESN Erasmus group from the university. They are extremely helpful, because they are students themselves.

Betreuung vor Ort:
I had a few problems with the way they were explaining things and managing everything. I had to actually organize everything by myself, which I'm used to. There was no introduction week, no help, nothing like that. All the international office at the UAM were helping with was the registration, which even then somehow was made badly, since I arrived 25th of January, came to register myself and they only registered me on the 9th of February.
In the UAM it's assumed that you're organizing everything yourself, going to classes to choose which you want. You are completely responsible for getting a student card too, which unfortunately I only received after almost two months of waiting, when it was supposed to arrive in two weeks time.
To organize myself, I looked for a flat beforehand using idealista and facebook Erasmus/accommodation groups more or less.
The university residence is actually an overpriced bad choice at a bad location to experience Madrid. I strongly recommend to organize accommodation on your own.

Try to look for a flat beforehand using facebook groups and idealista, learn at least B2 Spanish (meaning a serious B2, not just on paper), if you are planning to take courses in Spanish. Don't worry too much about the flats though, because there is plenty and you can find even within the last week before coming or stay at a hostel and look for a flat while you're here. Even in the center you can find a flat with a room below 400 euros a month.
Join the ESN UAM Erasmus group and participate to their events to make good connections. They organize good trips at rather cheap prices, they give you tips and if you're smart to be able to talk with people in the same programme and higher semester, they might help you and guide which courses to avoid and which to take.
Very important is getting the metro card for 20 euros a month if you are under 26. Until half a year ago the price was 60, and since the elections they lowered it.
Try to talk and socialize more with Spanish people and less with Erasmus people. You might want to take advantage of your stay in Spain and perfect your Spanish. What other perfect opportunity will you have? I had known many people in my flat who learned no Spanish during their stay because they were only going out with other international students. It's a big mistake in my opinion - you lose many things at once: the opportunity to understand the Spanish culture, the opportunity to learn the language, the opportunity to get a lot of tips about good places to visit, even good clubs to go to and many others. Doesn't mean you should only go out with Spanish people, but I'm recommending a mixture nevertheless. I perfected my Spanish to an incredible level during the stay by doing this.

Be prepared to spend at least 800-900 euros a month depending on your spending habits and definitely more than 900 if you like traveling more than once or twice a month.