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weitere Erfahrungsberichte für Spanien


Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Gandia

Semester und Studiengang:
2. Semester Bachelor International Management

summersemester 2016

Über die Universität:
The UPV in Gandia is a very welcoming university, especially for exchange students. The semester began with an orientation period where students were given all of the necessary information to begin their studies. The matriculation process is very easy and smooth as well.
As an exchange student you have the option to choose from courses in different majors, which are mostly in Spanish… Dont be scared. Even if you dont know Spanish, the teachers will help you and you will learn more than you ever thought was possible. There are opportunities to work in groups, make video projects, and work on year long projects to gain from 2 to 6 ECTS credits.
Overall friendly and understanding staff, in a very relaxed learning environment.

Betreuung vor Ort:
There is a specific group of people that are responsible for helping the Erasmus students in the beginning of the semester. They are all great people! Everything from accommodation to suggestions about things to do in the city will be organized by them. You're in good hands, trust me. Throughout my Erasmus semester there were absolutely no problems with the supporting staff or anyone in the university. The only thing that you should worry about organizing is which trips to take in your free time. There are amazing sports tournaments hosted by the UPV, where students get to participate in teams and even travel to there campuses, which I highly recommend.
Accommodation was very comfortable and cheap! I highly recommend finding something beach front, it will make the experience that much better. One thing to watch out for is electricity. In Spain it is rather expensive, so be careful and consume responsibly.

Gandia is a place that you can go and be yourself. I highly recommend going out to make friends outside of the Erasmus circle as well. I did this and was able to learn really good Spanish in only 5 months.

I highly recommend not bringing a tv or any type of pointless technology because there is always something to do outside or with friends. With my group of friends we went on short day trips every weekend around the area. These trips were cheap and incredibly fun.

If you come into Gandia with an open mind and positive attitude it just may end up being the best 5 months of your life... It was for me. I highly recommend this little city in the Valencia province, it is so full of life and you will leave feeling as though you can take on the world.