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weitere Erfahrungsberichte für Frankreich



Semester und Studiengang:
5. Semester Bachelor International Management

wintersemester 2016

Über die Universität:
INSEEC Paris offers a fantastic curriculum that covers a broad spectrum of interesting topics to choose from.
The academic staff is knowledgeable, sharp and each lecturer has their personal style of teaching which adds a lot of fun to the equation.
The length of the lessons is similar to Germany, however there are a few differences prospective students have to get used to:

1. You will have a lot more subjects to attend. They structure their curriculum in 6 modules with 3 subjects each.
2. Attendance is mandatory.
3. To pass a subject, you are only allowed to miss two classes per subject unexcused.
4. Each lecturer aims to grade you between 2 and 5 marks. (Yes, this is a lot and you will have weekly deadlines to meet!)
5. Lots of group projects and presentations.
6. You will have free sessions between classes, but the majority of days tend to be fully packed with classes starting at 8 am and often ending at 6/7 pm, especially toward the end of the semester.
7. The exams are scheduled over a three-day-period. However, most lecturers plan them for their last teaching session which results in writing two to three exams a day on several occasions.

Betreuung vor Ort:
INSEEC Paris offered a wide range of social events - acadamically and private - for French and international students to connect.
They put a lot of effort into the orientation phase to make international students feel welcome and provide many opportunities to get to know the school and its students.
During the application process, they showed a great deal of support in finding accommodation and answered questions promptly.
During the semester, the administrative staff is friendly, yet slow in executing certain tasks. A good portion of patience is recommended.
There were many occasions where concerns have been raised from the students during feedback sessions, which has been acknowledged by the administration and they are currently working on the improvement of organization and internal communication.

On a personal note, I enjoyed my stay at INSEEC Paris very much and got to meet many amazing people. I thought I had a good understanding of the French nation, but learned a lot more about them and the cultural differences between the French and the Germans throughout my semester.
All it takes is an open mind and adaptability and you will have a great time filled with lots of fun, wonderful experiences and lots of croissants and marvellous boulangeries along the way.